Me Again!!!!

Here I am!!!!!!
Good heavens, what a MESS it is in here!! What’s all this … stuff?? Cobwebs?? Ooo that means spiders … and goop … and dust … ACHOO!!
Well, anyway. (Blithely sweeping my arms, rolling my eyes and practicing my ever-steller ignore-it talents.)
Lots going on in the world, right? Good night Miss Agnes. Hope everyone is hanging in there, healthy and all?? All is well here … though you’d be right to think I’d taken a header into the black hole since I haven’t written since what was it, December? Good grief!!! By way of explanation (not excuse) I did come down with a roaring case of Da Crud (not diagnosed as anything more sinister … but one never knows, DO one?). That was in mid February … took quite a while to get back up and running. But all’s well now. Seems like once my head gets out of the habit of writing, it doesn’t want to go back without a shove.
So this morning, I shoved.
I’ve been spending “free” time creating … the above is an example. Kinda pretty, right? It’s based on a photo I took at the Antietam National Battlefield Park in Sharpsburg, Md in May of 2019. It was actually a dark and dreary, misty, drizzly day … but that’s the beauty of digital painting … you can take the original photo, use the bones of it then go off and do whatever you want … add trees, sunlight, more flowers … whatever your heart desires. And so … I did. I don’t know why I feel compelled to make Civil War scenes so peaceful … I suppose it’s my hope for humanity. If interested, search Antietam and Burnside Bridge. September 17 of 1862 … sigh … I won’t go into it here. Not in the mood.
Anyway, back to me and artsy stuff. Bottom line, my creative sparks have been firing more on the visual side of my brains than the wordy. But i can do both, right? Lots of new images created lately and popped up on my website. One or two fall into the category of WhatWasIThinking? but that’s okay too. Whatever. One thing that the self-isolation has produced, instead of dark and moody art … almost everything I’ve been doing has gotten REALLY colorful and cheerful. I’m sure that means something … but no idea what.
If interested in cheerful pics, click the above image to be whisked over to my website. Mostly bright and colorful (one wince-ably so), but we’ll say no more about that one for now (can you tell which one I’m talking about?). It may have to be tinkered with some more.
These things are never done. But then, neither am I.
So? What have you been doing with yourself??
Phil thank you!! This is one of those that definitely took on a life of its own. Glad you enjoyed the background … to me it’s sort of a little secret surprise for those who take the time to really look. So glad you did!!!! Enjoy the new week and thanks again for stopping by!!