Scotland’s Vote and Thoughts On The World In General
In my “About” section I warned that I might stray off-topic (art, photography and digital art) from time to time … looks like today is going to be one of those times.
A couple of years ago, my son had the wonderful opportunity to spend a semester abroad. He attended Edinburgh- Napier University and fell under the spell of Scotland and all of Great Britain.

Because of this, the recent vote in Scotland regarding separation from Great Britain seemed very close to home to our little family, tucked away here in the US, as we watched events unfold with breath held.
I read an insightful analysis by Paul Mason in “Mashable” on the Scottish vote. And as I thought about what he wrote, more of the puzzle pieces of what we’ve been reading in the news lately started to click into place. Not just in Scotland, but all over the world, might not one of the keys to understanding the events we hear about nightly be mind-sets and circumstances, in Mr. Mason’s words,
“… empowered by greater access to education and info-tech; political classes that seem remote and self-serving.”
It’s easy to blame everything on money and financial power brokers. But I believe Mr. Mason has given us a glimpse behind the curtain of the incredible upheaval we see all around us in the world today. And for some of us, these are more than events viewed in the news … for some of us, this upheaval is our own towns … even in our own streets.
“Scotland Votes No to Independence. Now What?”
I encourage you to give it a read.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!