Beach Time

This time of year, I begin to yearn for the beach.

That first joyful roar of greeting from the ocean, my toes wiggling in the warm sand, a hot early-morning mug of coffee in my hands, a walk down to the water to get splashed by the icy little shore-waves, the gulls overhead welcoming me back.  I know I’m only one of many who feel the pull of the sea.

I’m an East Coast gal, and for several years  my little family and I had  a tradition of heading down to the Outer Banks of North Carolina to spend a week in a lovely home right on the ocean. As times change so do routines, even the best of them, and I’ve been missing my old haunt for several years now.

But my husband and I recently made a trip up north, and as we drove, he found a way to give me a taste of the ocean when he found beautiful Old Greenwich, a part of Greenwich, Connecticut.

Thanks to the enticing blue bits on the GPS system, we made our way to a charming spot … a thin peninsula, jutting out into Long Island Sound. Variously known as Tod’s Point, Greenwich Point and Elizabeth Neck (correct me if I’m wrong) … the area is perfection.

In this view we’re looking out into Long Island Sound. Behind me is a flock of at least 20 long necked, graceful white egrets nibbling on the water plants at the edge of the narrow “neck” of the peninsula which backs up to Greenwich Cove. (The egrets, I’m sure, will appear in newer artwork themselves, sooner or later.)

The warmth of the sunlight, the colors, the breezes and the surprise of having the place all to myself were a tonic to my beach-starved soul.  Hope you enjoy the image … it was created with gratitude and great joy.   As always, it can be seen larger and with a more reasonable watermark by clicking on the image.

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