Questioning …

My little blog … which is all about giving my art-stuff yet another avenue out into the universe … may be undergoing a bit of a change. Maybe. I’m thinking. More on that in a minute. Don’t worry, it’ll all eventually tie together. That is, unless I forget where I’m going with this. Which can happen.
I’m taking a class in digital watercolor in Rebelle, a digital art program … (like paints and brushes and pencils and canvas … without the paints and brushes and pencils and canvasses). I started on the class the other evening. Though I could make time for my arty stuff during the day, somehow I rarely do. I usually wait until I can curl up on the sofa in the quiet of the evenings, Buddy-The-Dog stretched out beside me, tv on in the background playing something inoffensive I won’t pay attention to (thank you Hallmark Channel 🥴).
The digital art stuff … it’s always fascinating … and I LOVE it … I eat it, sleep it, dream about it … a magnificent obsession. Here are a couple of examples of my pre-class watercolor efforts …

Both of which, plus the magnolia up top which was created in Corel Painter, are all loosely based on my own, original photos and all have their own stories .. which is what I usually tell about here. But … tonight’s post isn’t about them. You can read about their stories, if you want, by clicking the pics … check the description section at my website.
Yep … it’s all a crazy obsession. But somehow this evening I just didn’t get into it.
Tonight became about something different. Instead of diving into my class work I went to pay an online-visit to a fellow blogger … someone whose posts I always enjoy. And I never got back to my class stuff.
Instead, I had a delightful evening reading through some truly enjoyable blogs. It all started with Max …( a dog-blog ) … and his dog-dad and his AJF: Within The K Streets. I’ve been a fan for a while. But this evening I went a little further and branched out to the blogs of the commenters who post there. And what fun! A whole new world … I’ve just discovered some very talented, very amusing people who are living their lives taking the everyday … the annoyances and perplexities and absurdities we all face … and writing about them with such humor.
All of which to say, this little blog … about my art-y stuff … seems … dull. Maybe it was the hack / hijack a while back that got me so off track … but I seem to have lost my writing spark.
I’m going to have to think about this.
Oddly, I always considered myself a writer first … in fact, I used to have my own “humor” column in the local paper. (Then there’s the Great American Novel .. still unfinished after how many years?). But my creative juices leaked over into the visual ages ago … and stayed there. And my blog? … which really was created solely to give the images more exposure … I dunno … maybe it should have more of a life of its own?
Anyway. At least I didn’t wait 6 months to post again … that’s progress, isn’t it?
As always, if any of the above images pique … peek? … 😁 … your interest, just give them a click (or a peek).
New follower here! I think art blogs are great! It’s hard to compete for cuteness against a dog or cat blog, and personal blogs are sometimes fun for the drama or storytelling. But the blogoverse would be boring if everyone wrote about the same topic. Right now I’m getting bombarded with follows from young women who write fitness and self-care blogs. (I think they expect a follow back. Um, no thanks.) I realize this has become a booming trend on the internet, but they all have the same message, the same tips, the same recommendations for essential oils, meditation, forest bathing, etc. I wonder how these blogs will read 10 years from now. Art however is always interesting and gives the viewer something to think about. (Mostly: some people just react. Which I guess is also a good thing about art.)
I’m glad I found your blog! I don’t update very often either, but I hope you will continue to post.
Very interesting. Was this DogDad of Max’s as handsome and sophisticated as all the ladies say? Haha…just kidding…no I’m not. That was a nice thing to say about the silly dog blog. Yup, it attracts a strange but amusing bunch of reprobates from all over the globe who tease each other unmercifully. We love having you there although you tend to disappear far too often probably in the pursuit of art or filthy lucre or both. Oh well, we’d probably do the same if we had a sliver of the your talent. Also, we’d have to stop day drinking and that’s unlikely…
Yes, DogDad is everything you say he is. I’m sure of it!! You have a wonderful gift .. and always bring a smile. Now, that is talent … in this day-in-age and any other time!! Plus, you know I’m a Malt lover! And thank you for welcoming little me into your fold!! I’m honored!
::runs back:: Your digital watercolor work is GORGEOUS!!!! Can’t wait to see more!
I loved the fact that you (sort of) wrote about art and (sort of) wrote about yourself, too. (Smile) My blog entries are weekly now and there are a few weeks that I have basically copied my image descriptions for that week’s post (guilty of that this very day). But mostly I try not to “sell” my images or products. I think if we find a balance then our followers don’t mind a few “marketing” posts. In a way blogs are another way to “sell” or brand ourselves and inadvertently our artwork since people like to purchase from people they know.
All of this to say Write On!
Thank you!!!
Lois? You’re back!? YAY! Thank you for following me! Thing is…I recently moved to a new WP site as my bloggy place: – That’s where I’m posting, visiting from, etc. This one (the one you just followed) is only for news of uploads/sales…no commenting, no actual blogging. Any chance you could switch over to the facesbyrobinking one? I’m soooo happy to see you!!! How’re you doing? Will leave another comment so you can click on it. ((((happyhugs))))
I’m not sure I’m back? I just re-upped the annual stuff for WordPress and maaaay get back into it? It’s sort of calling to me. But if I do, the first thing will be to reorganize the site back to what it looked like before The Big Hack.
Soooo much has been happening, Robin. I’m not sure I’m going to publicize it … (?) … you know me and privacy …. but it might be good fodder for a post. Sort of a PSA … public service announcement … because what I had is NOT rare, it’s just rarely diagnosed and even more rarely treated. I’m a very lucky old lady!!!!!
I’ll definitely click into your new site!!!! You know, I think it’s so fun that you and I keep finding each other no matter how much time has slipped by. Hope you and Kitteahz are well and happy!!!! Love ya, girlie!!!!!
Oh, Lois!! ((((((hugs)))))) I’m sorry you’ve been having problems – sounds scary! But you’re OK? Yeah, the privacy issue is critical for me, too. We all need to be comfortable with who’s seeing what we put out there.
Well…about WP…I hopehopehope you’ll be here! But it’s really hard to stay current. And you’re more places & accomplishing more things than I am, so I can only imagine how hard you work to do it all. But I’m selfish: I hope you’ll be around here!
Thank you for visiting & following! Kitteeez are right here next to me.
I’m getting really old! HAAAA!
Here I am!! It’s been a while since you posted here…I keep moving around….LOL…WE KEEP MISSING EACH OTHER! You still on Instagram? How about Threads? I’ve changed accounts a few times, long story, partly bec of that stalker guy (icky!!). I think I’m settled now. I hope you’ll have tine to stop by this new face-blog. And I hope you’ll be posting again – really enjoyed your posts!! Gotta finish breakfast so I’ll stop now. ::waves::
Waving back atcha!!!!!!!