Chronic Blog-Abandonitis

Well, hey. Here I am again!!!!! I won’t annoy you with long, boring reasons why I disappeared again. There really is no good reason!! Just another sad case of Chronic Blog-Abandonitis! I’m fine, we’re fine. No Covid, no scary bouts of depression, the house didn’t burn down … no nothing! Just puttering along, focusing creative energies (what there may be of them) on visual artsy-fartsy stuff instead of the written (typed?) word. And as previously, my apologies for being such an inconsistent poop … and another promise to try to be here more regularly … again!!! (Fingers crossed!).
I’m starting this post out, though, on a slightly different note. Sharing very cool news!!
A fabulous gentleman, Mr. John Derry, who is one of the original authors of Corel Painter, has chosen to highlight me in HIS blog, Pixlart, which is all about his beautiful Corel Painter brush system Emergence!!!! I’m beyond flattered and excited!! I think this honor was the final catalyst to get me going again on my blog … so thank you, John, for the honor and also for the inspiration!
To see John’s blog (about ME!), just click here.
By way of explanation, Corel Painter is an absolutely fabulous computer program for creating traditional-looking art on a computer. There are many ways to use the program and one reason I haven’t been as focused on my blog has been my continued journey into and fascination with Corel.
I’m including two of my images that John highlights, using Emergence … but to learn more, please visit his post above. Also, Corel Painter users, I encourage you to learn about John’s really unique Emergence Brush System … info at his website!

You can see the Emergence system lends itself to an impressionistic look, as with “Overgrown Window” at the top of the page, as well as the more traditional … “Ready Whenever You Are.” As always, clicking into the images will take you to my website where products on which they’re available can be found. By the way, in addition to our fabulous wall art options, pillows and mugs etc., we’re now offering cloth face masks (both pleated and flat) as well as very beautiful puzzles!
Who are you? We used to know somebody who looked like you and had a blog like yours ans was reportedly fond of Maltese dogs but that person abandoned us. Just left us hanging. OK, did we guilt you out? Good. Welcome back to this unforgiving environment. Now, tell us some tales.
Hello hello!!!! How wonderful to see you … all is well here!! Buddy The Dog, half dozing on the sofa, just raised a sleepy eye and wishes you and dear Maxwell a Happy 2021!!
thanks Robin … glad you like this style … it’s lots of fun!!! I do enjoy what I do!!!!