To Hold In Your Heart
While I spent the weekend on another of my annual hunts for red October (and orange and yellow and purple … the leaf peeping season) … and hope to give it another go this week and coming weekend, I added to my portfolio today (October 17th 2016) an image of glorious springtime daffodils from my garden at our old house in Maryland.

I dug up and transplanted several bulbs before we left, but am sad to say though the shoots came up, there were no blooms this past spring. Since the originals of these actually came from my Mom’s house, I’m hopeful they will pop back up again this year in all their sunny glory. But … why am I fooling with a spring image in the heart of autumn? Admittedly not THE Smartest Marketing Ploy …
The simple truth is that I recently ran across the photo (taken in March of 2009) on which this digital painting is based in my archives, and it reminded me of the art I’ve been admiring lately by one of my fellow Fine Art America members, Stuart Harrison, and thought it was time to toss it out into the Universe. I encourage you to visit his magnificent gallery (just click on his name)!
But the other reason is … though the glorious but very brief hours of Autumn are upon us, next will come the Holidays. Dit dit dit daaah. These can be very difficult days for many … instead of bringing joy and good cheer, many feel quite the opposite. I know I’ve even felt hints of those difficulties myself once or twice. And after the Holidays, come the long, dark months of winter. A lot of us can get pretty beaten down by this seemingly endless, dreary season. All this is on its way, no question about it. But to me, if we can hold in our heart some tiny bit of beauty … hope … even your favorite song … whatever works for you … maybe that will make the coming winter season a little easier to get through.
And so … a pouncy-bouncy-cheerful little something from me for you to view … To Hold In Your Heart …
As always, a click on the image will whisk you off to my website where you’ll be able to see the image in a much better resolution, much less dopey watermark … and using your mousie, you can glide over the image and click and see an up close vision of the detail-y bits.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!