Forest Snowman
Since we’re directly in the path of an oncoming, mondo snow storm (January 22, 2016), thoughts of the upside, fun side of these kinds of weather systems have naturally been on my mind.

Building snow men (and ladies), skiing and boarding, sledding, curling up with a good book in front of the fireplace, a fire pit surrounded by your friends and a mug of hot mulled wine steaming in your gloves … or just a good old fashioned snowball fight. Winter has a very special charm.
But I was wondering … did I start playing with this little snowman when we first heard about the storm a few days ago in an effort to get myself mentally prepared for what was to come? Possibly! Or was I trying to appease the Snow-Storm-Gremlins to keep us all safe and warm?? Probably!! And yes, I am just a wee bit superstitious.
This little guy turned out way more Christmas-y than I anticipated when I first got started, but it’s funny how sometimes these things take on a life, or at least a mind, of their own. I noticed that when I used to do a lot of creative writing. Now that can get a little spooky. But … I still think the snowman’s cute. Plus, I think I’ve got my Christmas card for next year all set!
Hoping everyone in this storm’s path stays safe and warm … and that your power stays on and the food and the toilet paper hold out.
Original image captured with my Nikon D300 and the 105mm Nikkor lens at the Juniata Crossing Mercantile in Everett, PA, in November of 2009. Lots of fun in Corel Painter 2015, fully digitally hand painted with tablet and brushes including some fun ones I’d never used before.
As always, a click on the image takes you to my website where the resolution is nicer and the watermark less offensive. Always remember, too, that watermarks will never, ever, ever appear on purchased products!!
So? What’s your favorite way to spend a snowy day??
I'd love to hear your thoughts!