A Celebration of Autumn
I admit it. As each season rolls around, I’m one of those people who says THIS one’s my favorite. Spring, summer, winter, fall. Each one. I really can’t imagine living anywhere that doesn’t have four distinct seasons.
But I DO love autumn.
To celebrate, I decided to include a couple of my new images, the first of which was taken at the bottom of Blue Knob Mountain, near Bedford, PA.
“The Necessary” is a story all to itself. The term “necessary” is actually the word we used in our family for what most people call
“outhouse.” And though I grew up in a typical suburban community with all the modern conveniences, since my grandparents’ farm didn’t have indoor plumbing or electricity, I became very familiar with the adventure a trip to a little structure like this could become.

The next is a herd of glossy black and white holstein cows tucked away in the shade for an afternoon nap near Everett, PA. The sunny rolling hills form a perfect backdrop on this peaceful, lazy Sunday-afternoon.

Both images are based on my photographs, taken in October of 2014 with the Nikon D7000 and the 18-200mm vr Nikkor lens. They were treated with a bit of editing magic in Camera Raw, Photoshop CS6 and Corel Painter 11.
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