Creative Titles
An interesting topic came up in one of the discussions I follow online recently. The question was, “Creative Titles … How Do You Do It?”
I can’t tell you how important I think the title for an image can be. I actually have a couple of images I especially like that have been sitting quietly in the computer for quite a while. I’ve hesitated posting them, not because I didn’t like them, but actually quite the opposite. I liked them so well I felt they deserved a special title … but so far words have failed me. Conversely, if I’m messing around with a shot and a GREAT title comes into my head, I find myself giving that image priority. I guess it goes back to my first love – creative writing.
But as to “how” do the titles come? The Title Fairy, maybe???
In all honesty I will say when I ‘m taking a long drive and am in the car for a couple of hours, I’ll put on some of my favorite music. Many times a line of lyric I’ve been listening to will jump out at me and I’ll immediately know that it … or something similar … will go perfectly with a particular image I’ve had in my files.
The following is “Take Me Home” and, as always, can be seen larger and with a better watermark by clicking the image:
I really feel like the perfect title can add a great deal of dimension and deeper meaning to an image. Most of the time, my titles are just descriptive, but every so often I’m actually trying to say something … as with “His Pride And Joy” which follows:

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