Winter’s Last Goodbye and Springtime’s Hello
Here we are nearly at the end of March, yet as I listen to the news, the weather guys are predicting even more snow flurries for us tonight. I think many us will remember the winter of 2014-2015 as The Winter That Wouldn’t Quit. But maybe after this one last storm, it’ll finally be time for winter to wave goodbye.

I snapped the above image at Blue Knob All Seasons Resort in Claysburg, Pennsylvania this past Saturday. You can see the promising bits of bare earth, which of course to the skiers, isn’t as pretty a sight as it is to most of the rest of us.
I for one am ready for flowers and warmer temperatures. The daffodils in my front yard have finally started pushing through the ground. Only about 3 inches of green leaves are showing so far, but hopefully they and the crocus and the azaleas will soon be perfuming the air.

And I spotted a flock of dozens of robins today as they passed through on their way to their summer homes. Surely that’s a promising sign!!

Here’s hoping!
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