Colorful Drinks On The House
I do a good bit of reading on the internet and elsewhere about art and photography … tutorials, discussion forums, other people’s blogs, news articles … and one of the topics I’ve been reading seems to be somewhat controversial. Not in the sense of politics-and-religion-controversial, but still, different people have very different opinions. It’s about images being created in different tones. Same picture … different colors.
On the one hand you have very well respected and very talented photographer / digital artists saying, pick your favorite and go with it. Adding identical images with different colors says to your potential buyer that you can’t make up your mind. That since you, the artist, don’t even know what you want, how can you expect your client to know which is best?
That makes sense, doesn’t it? And is somewhat the way I’ve been operating.

It’s not always easy, however, as I generally do several versions of an image before I gently send it out into the universe to be loved or hated. And I’ve been known to walk off and let a very nice version sit and cool its heels in my computer for years.
But the other side of the argument also makes a lot of sense. Taken from the perspective of the buyer who’s looking for a particular color theme as well as intriguing subject matter, the above image might not be their cup of tea … but maybe the following is:

The market for these differing color-themed versions then is opened up not only to the general public, but to designers and decorators as well.
The first image shown above is now available on my main website … clicking on it will bring you to a version without the confusing and icky watermark. The second image will soon be added to my website as well. As of right now, clicking on it will bring you to my photography / digital art’s main page. Of course if anyone out there can’t wait for “Cool Neutrals,” just let me know and I’ll be happy to hurry it along for you.
And … there ARE more … Electric Blue anyone??

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