Where’s Kitty?
I’ve always been fascinated by lines and angles and colors … this image incorporates these … and adds a whimsical kitty and some impressionistic flow to break up the strict geometry.
This free and easy and fun architectural image shows a lovely formal staircase leading to a small “bridge.” Once on the platform of the bridge, the viewer enjoys a panorama of green trees and fields through the tall arched window. The curves of the unique, vaulted ceiling are reflected in the rounded shape of the sleepy kitty.
Somehow, kitties seem to have the ability to find the most comfortable place in the house … so … here’s kitty!!!
Image created from two of my photographs, combined in Photoshop CS6 … the staircase from the Nikon D750 with the 24-70mm Nikkor lens, and the kitty from the D300 with the 18-200mm vr Nikkor lens. Digitally hand-painted in Corel Painter 2015 with brushes from Karen Burns.
As always, a click on the image takes you to my website where the watermark is less nasty, and where you’ll find several purchase options in addition to fabulous wall art. By the way, the watermark seen on my website will never appear on your purchased products!
So? Do you have any comfy kitty stories?? Where is your feline’s favorite spot for a doze?
I'd love to hear your thoughts!