
An old log home discovered on a sunny autumn ramble through the countryside of beautiful Pennsylvania, USA, has seen a lot of years.

Though the buildings are empty now, windows broken, leaning almost imperceptibly toward each other, I have the feeling this house and barn both saw a lot of love in their time. The location of the lovely trees in the front yard, the nearness of the barn, all speak of thoughtful caring. I wanted to point out, positioned on the side of the barn is a small birdhouse … looks like a bluebird box to me. If those who lived here, loved bluebirds, then I’m sure they lived wonderful lives as bluebirds are the symbol of good luck.

Abandoned © Lois Bryan Photography and Digital ArtAbandoned © Lois Bryan Photography and Digital Art

Original photographic image taken with the Nikon D7000 and the trusty 18-200mm vr Nikkor lens in September of 2014. Image treated to many embellishments in Photomatix for an HDR layer, a trip to Photoshop, and to Corel Painter 11 for a strong painterly feel.

I’ll share a little personal insight.  Like many photographers and digital artists of today, I started out with a pencil in one hand and crayons in the other.  Over the years (and as soon as my Mom thought I was old enough to clean up after myself) I graduated to oils and canvasses.  Those days ended … life does that sometimes … and I grew away from art for many years.  But now, as I continue to re-examine and re-explore my artsy-fartsy side, I see myself leaning more and more toward the painterly look similar to the one you see in the image above.   Don’t quite know where this is going to take me … but I’m finding a lot of joy creating images like these.  I hope you enjoy them as well!!

As always, remember to click the image to see it at a better resolution and size and with a much less nasty watermark.


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